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Dr.Deelan Vadher

Founder & Chairman

Deelan is a junior doctor in the NHS who created UIMS in 2020, recognising an opportunity for international medical students to collaborate together across Czechia. He currently sits on the board for his alma mater, Masaryk University - Faculty of Medicine and LinkMedics. Deelan is a passionate advocate for improving support structures for international students & graduates and spends his free time coding and playing cricket.

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Dr. Arinjoy Dev

Patron, NHS Doctor

Arinjoy (Sunny) is a junior doctor in the NHS and held the position of Vice - President during UIMS' founding year. Sunny brings vast experience from his roles founding and leading student organisations at Palacky University during his time as a student. He has keen interests in expedition and adventure medicine.

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Dr. Steven Gopaul

Patron, NHS Doctor

Dr Gopaul is a graduate of Masaryk University -Faculty of Medicine and has been working in the NHS since 2021. A co-founding committee member, Steven held several senior positions within UIMS including Vice - President before becoming a Patron. He is a keen clinical educator and is heavily involved in other International and National societies. Remaining involved with and progressing UIMS by creating collaborative educational opportunities remain his focuses. Outside of medicine, Dr Gopaul enjoys travelling and playing sports.

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Dr. Jan Kocanda

Patron, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon

Jan is a Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon at FNB in Brno and Assistant Professor at Masaryk University, Faculty of Medicine. During his student years, Jan was heavily involved in organisations such as IFMSA CZ and the Academic Senate LFMU. Outside of medicine, Jan enjoys sports, travelling and trying new foods.

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UIMS z. s.

Rybná 716/24

110 00 Staré MÄ›sto

Prague 1

Czech Republic


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© UIMS 2020 - 2022. All rights reserved. United International Medical Schools z.s. Organisation identification number (IČO): 142 64 153

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